Amber Cooper
You Are Powerful- And It's Time To Own It!
Entrepreneur, Beauty Lead Coordinator for NYFW, National Educator, and Business Coach
In July of 2020, along with the uncertainties of Covid-19, I had my fourth baby. I was at a turning point in my career as a hair colorist, and I chose to close the doors to my personal loft space.
The prior 12 years of challenges and growth in the industry couldn't have prepared me for how heartbroken I was, but I was determined to choose my family and find a new way to pursue my dreams of transforming the world through hair.
My AMAZING husband built me a home studio as the next two years revolved around me finding balance as a wife, mother, working part time behind the chair, and hosting digital color classes for IdHAIR North America.
During those two years, I learned something VERY POWERFUL. I discovered how to let go of what I thought success was, and I allowed myself to evolve into someone that could have it all; a fulfilling career and being devoted to my family.
I redefined what success meant for me, and the doors began to open! By the end of 2022, I was invited to join the beauty team of The LAB NYFW , and since then I have tapped into a passion for leading fellow hair professionals to achieve their goals with self belief!
I believe hairstylists are modern day superheroes because we hold the power of helping people love who they are.
Transforming the world through hair is now an even more incredible opportunity because I am able to pour into cups like yours!
You deserve to fulfill your dreams, and change the lives of your clients by having me in your corner encouraging you and holding you accountable to your highest potential. YOU ALREADY HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO REACH YOUR GOALS, just step into it!